We have some big news for you – we have grown a lot bigger!
The automation and control systems market is enjoying rapid growth. According to some experts, this is just the beginning. We believe so, too, and we want to help ensure that even more companies enjoy the benefits of automated processes and installations, Industry 4.0 and all that it entails.
Another trend is for companies and organisations to integrate and collaborate in new ways – across technological, cultural and geographical boundaries.
Our observations of the market and perspective tell us that it is increasingly about knowledge sharing and cooperation – about building on what we know and our expertise, with our customers and with each other.
We have therefore chosen to join forces to become a larger organisation, with even more knowledge, more time for focus, more power for larger projects and even more service – of the highest level.
The merger between SAAP Engineering A/S and ETC Teknik A/S, two companies that already know and complement each other well, has therefore become a reality.
We are now called Etcas, Etcas Automation - Adding life to machines.
We look forward to telling you more when we see you.